myDESIGN® Online Course Package:

Online Course #1 -

Unlocking myDESIGN®

In this online course, you will learn how to:

- Unlock & Communicate Your Strengths

- Unlock & Communicate Your Interests

- Unlock & Communicate Your Motivators/Values

- Create A Strong Foundation for Designing Your Career & Life



In this module, you'll unlock your strengths using our signature, strengths-awareness tool; the myDESIGN Strengths Profiles™.


In this module, you'll be guided through a series of activities to unlock your interests; the topics and activities that you love!


In this module, you'll learn that your core values are what motivate you so... we'll guide you to get crystal clear on them.

MODULE 4: Piecing It Altogether

In the final module, you'll dig deeper into what you've unlocked in Module 1-3 so that you can uncover your purpose, cause(s) and vision for the future.

Want to preview inside this course?

Check out this short video from Kirstene (KC) to see what you'll get access to in the Unlocking myDESIGN course!


Want to check out the full course overview?


Online Course #2 -

Designing myCAREER

In this online course, you will learn how to:

- Explore Different Career Types & Career Clusters/Industries

- Shortlist 5+ Jobs That Align With You

- Test Out Different Career Pathways

- Come Up With A Career Plan-Of-Attack


MODULE 1: Expanding myHORIZONS

In this module, you'll be guided through a series of activities to broaden your career horizons (with intention) so that you can shortlist 5+ career pathways that align with you.

MODULE 2: Exploring myOPTIONS

In this module, you'll take your shortlisted career pathways and be guided to explore what's required to make each of them a reality... further study? work experience? networking?


In this module, you'll learn that you don't *really* know if a career pathway is going to light you up unless you have the opportunity to test it out first... and, we'll set you up to do just this!

MODULE 4: My Best Next Steps

In the final module, you'll identify your three best next steps for launching your career design. In other words, you'll create your own career plan-of-attack. 

Want to preview inside this course?

Check out this short video from Kirstene (KC) to see what you'll get access to in the Designing myCAREER course!


Want to check out the full course overview?


Are you ready to enrol?

P.S. You'll get 6 months access to both courses!

"This course takes you on a truly enlightening and insightful journey as it really gets to the core of who you are and validates all of your unique skills and qualities, which is such a positive experience… My son really enjoyed completing the course... He now has a plan of action that feels right for him and a clear pathway to achieve his goals and aspirations. I’ve noticed a renewed sense of confidence and purpose in him since completing the course. I would totally recommend this course to other parents and to all students as a must have - a toolkit to help navigate and design fulfilling futures and lives."

Shelly Harpur

"I came to myDesign after I had finished traveling and playing tennis for the past 3 years as I was unsure firstly about my passions, but also how I could turn them into a career. I finished feeling reassured and cleared of my once blurry pathway. I can not recommend Kirstene and the team at myDesign enough and thank you for your attentiveness and devotion in helping me design my own life."

Henry Farq

"I am so grateful to have completed this course because it has energised me and given me a new lease on life. I had come to a point in my career journey where I really needed to stop and take stock, and this course gave me direction and structure to do this in a meaningful way. I truly believe in this course's value and have been recommending it to everyone I know who is also feeling lost."

Nicole Usher

"When I got home from Europe I started the myDESIGN course and was searching for jobs but honestly still had no idea in terms of what I wanted out of a job. It started piecing together when I did this course, and a huge turning point was when I did the motivations module - and figuring out what I value helped me see what I needed in both my personal and work lives, and had not been getting in the way I was living my life. I ended up getting a business admin traineeship and I'm about to finish up my 2nd month there! Basically long story short this is a really overdue thank you and I really want you to know appreciate I am, the course is super wonderful and I'm so glad to have done it!"


50% Complete

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