
Lesson Resource - Values List

Aug 31, 2022

Looking for a compiled list of values to share with your students (or staff)?

Knowing your values (the things that matter to you) is one of the best tools for designing a life that you love - whether that be in the context of school, work or even, relationships.

Whilst there are an unlimited number of values, we've compiled a list of 100 values to get you started... and we've also included the option of 'other' so that individuals can add their own value(s) to the list too.

Download our myDESIGN Values List here!

In Phase 1 of myDESIGN, students learn how to determine their values so that they can tap more into their intrinsic motivation. If you're interested in myDESIGN for your school, get in touch with the team

When young people know who they are, they are better equipped to make decisions about their life - now and into the future.

“This program has helped me to build a strong foundation of finding out who I am, what my abilities are and what problems I want to solve. To me, it isn’t really a subject, it’s the beginning of a journey of discovering myself.”

- Lara, Student 

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