
Lesson Resource - The myDESIGN Goal-Setting Guide

#template Aug 21, 2022

Looking for a goal-setting activity for your students?

Accomplishing a goal requires us step into a new version of ourselves.

This means that the person we are when we set the goal is different to the person we are when we accomplish the goal.

In order to make this transition, we need to be willing to stretch ourselves… 

Download our step-by-step myDESIGN Goal-Setting template!


When young people know who they are, they are better equipped to make decisions about their life - now and into the future.

“This program has helped me to build a strong foundation of finding out who I am, what my abilities are and what problems I want to solve. To me, it isn’t really a subject, it’s the beginning of a journey of discovering myself.”

- Lara, Student 

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