myDESIGN® Blog

Free Masterclass - How To Design A Career & Life That You Love

career interests motivation purpose strengths Nov 12, 2024

Are you someone who...

  • Feels unsure, confused or lost when it comes to your future study or career direction?
  • Feels stuck in a job that you don't love or that isn't bringing out the best in you?
  • Knows that you're meant for more than what you're currently doing for work?
  • Wants to work and live in that lights you up?

In this free 25-minute masterclass, KC will teach you how to design a career and life that you love from the inside-out. More specifically, she'll teach you about:

1. The Four Zones of Work
2. The NEW Approach to Career Design
3. A 4-Step Process for Unlockin' Your Best Self (the secret to an epic career!)

Where to from here?

If you loved this masterclass and want to start your career design process by unlocking your strengths, you can use our strengths awareness tool to do this here.

If you're a careers adviser and/or you help people with their study, learning or career direction, you can learn how to apply the inside-out approach with your clients here.

And, if you want to bring myDESIGN® to your school or organisation for a workshop, check out our workshop options via our website home page!

myDESIGN Education specialises in helping people to unlock and activate their unique potential so that they can thrive in their wellbeing, learning and career.

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