
Podcast Episode - Teaching What's Not Taught In School

Aug 09, 2022

Kirstene Ciappara joins Uncle Nathan on The Post-School Podcast.

Episode Bio: 

In this podcast episode, Kirstene Ciappara, myDESIGN Co-Founder and Head of Education, explores The S.I.M (Strengths, Interests, Motivation), which is the framework that underpins myDESIGN. She talks about her rewarding experience teaching the framework to Year 7-10 students at St Luke's Catholic College and she shares some practical tips to assist listeners with unlocking their S.I.M too.


When young people know who they are, they are better equipped to make decisions about their life - now and into the future.

“This program has helped me to build a strong foundation of finding out who I am, what my abilities are and what problems I want to solve. To me, it isn’t really a subject, it’s the beginning of a journey of discovering myself.”

- Lara, Student 

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